Games of Daze
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00index.txt this file
4dayswdr.rvw Four Days with Dr. Deming - Latzko/Saunders 1995
5pilltqm.rvw The Five Pillars of TQM - Creech 1994
adobe_ps.ad Adobe PostScript Language books order info (Adobe)
betterpr.rvw Better Products faster - VerDuin 1995
biblio.zip bibliography of computer history 2.55 - 200+ book titles
business.toc The Internet Business Guide - Resnick/Taylor 1994
cbooks.zip A list of books (169) on the C programming language (1989)
changehb.rvw The Change Agents's Handbook - Hutton 1994
colorbib.ad Color Quantization bibliography by Ian Ashdown
commquar.951 Communications Quarterly Spring '95 - comm tech magazine ad
companqm.rvw Companywide Quality Management - Galgano 1994
cppbooks.008 C++ Books & Online Tutorials by Harvey Taylor - version 0.08
cprivacy.rvw Computer Privacy Handbook - Bacard 1995
danparks.ad Macintosh programming books - by Dan Parks Sydow
digiproc.toc Digital Image Processing Algorithms - Pitas 1993
dobiznet.rev Doing Business on the Internet - Cronin 1994
dvidmake.ad The Digital Videomaker's Guide - Whitver 1995
eikona.ad Digital Image Processing package - Pitas (Windows) 1993
empoweri.rvw The Empowerment Imperative - Mills 1994
envaudit.rvw Implementing an Environmental Audit - Ledgerwood/Street 1994
equality.rvw Employee-Driven Quality - McDermott/Mikulak/Beauregard 1993
fraudbiz.rvw Fraud - Albrecht et al 1995
funcfuzz.toc Fundamentals of Uncertainty Calculi with App.. - Grabisch 1995
g_gems4.toc Graphics Gems IV - preface and Table of Contents
gaudis94.rvw Government Auditing Standards: 1994 Revision - U.S.Gov 1994
gmanaqas.rvw Global Management of Quality Assurance Systems - Willborn 1994
herozeyy.rvw HeroZ! - Byham/Cox 1994
howtobbs.rvw How to Successfully Run a BBS for Profit - Allen 1994
hprsavvy.ad HyperSavvy - Mooneyham 1994 (HyperCard stack)
hybrcnlp.toc Hybric Connectionist Natural Language Process.. - Wermter 1994
iinsider.rev Internet Insider - Prevost 1995
imaging.rev Imaging in Corporate Environments - Minoli 1994
impl9000.rvw Implementing the ISO 9000 Series - Lamprecht 1994
indipchb.rvw The Indispensable PC Hardware Book - Messmer 1994
intelerr.100 Unofficial Intel Documentation Errata 1.00 by M.Welinder
internet.11 The Unofficial Internet Book List (239 books) - version 1.1
iso9000p.rvw ISO 9000: Preparing for Registration - Lamprecht/Dekker 1992
iso9000w.rvw ISO 9000: Wordlwide Quality Standard - Patterson 1995
linuxnag.toc Linux Network Administrator's Guide - Kirch 1994
makintex.rvw Making TeX Work - Walsh 1994
maminsqe.rvw Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering - Kan 1995
maniiser.rvw Managing Internet Information Services - Liu 1994
meetiso9.rvw Meeting ISO 9000 in TQM World - Sayle 1991
miisrvss.rev Managing Internet Information Services - Liu 1994
opendoor.rvw Opening Closed Doors - Weylman 1994
osprogsr.toc Operating Systems Programming: The SR Program.. - Hartley 1995
performa.rvw Performance-Based Assessments - Wilson/Pearson 1995
pgp_book.ad PGP: Pretty Good Privacy - Garfinkel 1994
ppowerpc.toc Programming the PowerPC - Sydow 1994
procwrit.rvw Procedure Writing: Principles and Practices - Wieringa 1993
qman4gov.rvw Quality Management for Government - Hunt 1993
qualitup.rvw Quality Up, Costs Down - Eureka/Ryan 1995
qualtbox.rvw The Quality Tollbox - Tague 1995
radiosit.toc Radiosity: A Programmer's Perspective - Ashdown 1994
reinvent.rvw Reinventing Government - et al 1992
softperl.ad Software Engineering with Perl - Dichter/Pease 1995
softperl.toc Software Engineering with Perl - Dichter/Pease 1995
ssearcha.toc String Searching Algorithms - Graham Stephen 1994
synchros.rvw Synchroservice! - Schonberger/Knod, Jr. 1994
systprog.txt MS-DOS System Programming, 3rd - Ward/Burki (ed) 1995
tisobook.rvw The ISO Book - Rabbitt/Bergh 1993
tqmfails.rvw Why TQM Fails and What to Do About It - Brown/Hitchcock 1994
underres.rvw Understanding Resource Management - Constantin/Jusch 1994
usingbbs.ad Using Computer Bulletin Boards, 3rd - Hedtke 1995
warwaste.rvw Winning The War on Waste - Conway 1994
winquali.rvw Winning with Quality - Wesner et al 1994
worldqua.rvw A World of Quality - Palermo/Watson 1993
writehts.rvw Writing High-Tech Copy That Sells - King 1995
www_book.ad World Wide Web Unleashed - December 1994